free nursery care funding for 3 & 4 year olds at Starlight's Daycare Nursery Farnworth

15 Hours Funding For 3 & 4 Yr Olds

Your child may be entitled to 15 hours fee child care. You can check by following the link below or calling in to speak to a member of the management who can complete the check for you.

You will need the following information to apply:

- Child’s name and D.O.B.

- Address and postcode

- Contact details - phone & email address

- Birth certificate/ passport or any form of ID for the child

We Can Help With Funding

All children aged three and four years are entitled to 15 hours of FREE childcare the term after their third birthday. We are flexible and provide a variety of ways in which you can utilise these hours Examples include 9-12 x5, 12-3 x5, 7.30-1.30 x3, 1.30-6.30 x3 term time only.

There is NO additional charge for the 15 hours childcare and meals and snack will be provided (have a look in our menu section). 15 hours funding is to be used Monday – Friday and cannot be utilised at weekends.

Click here for more information on funding for 3 & 4 year olds or contact us by clicking the links below

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